a start of long conversations and information ..and thoughts ..and ideas ..and kitchen tips .. and insider tricks and whatever the reader needs to simplify this complex hoopla called indian food.
I had been itching to find an outlet for crazy culinary ideas and thoughts and then i joined the one world cuisine group and met somebody with crazIER ideas .. Amrik Pabla the owner of the group .. yup i was surprised you would be too if u think u r the cats whiskers and u meet somebody "Whiskerer" than u ( excuse the english , indians are allowed to be erratic :) with grammar )
To cut a long story short this blog is a regular feature and a regular outlet for culinary creativity and thoughts/ takes on indian food and and insiders scoop on fun happenings at our kitchens .
Amrik and i promise to keep it fun and interesting and not use it as an advertising gimmick
so guys heres to a lasting relationship with food , friends and fun , crazy gastronomy